Friday, August 27, 2010

Free Safety Strategy Videos

Our group recently received this email...

My teenage daughter is allergic to peanuts and tree-nuts, so I know what it's like to be a parent who feels overwhelmed and scared. I share your passion for helping families with food allergies.

I am on a heartfelt mission to help parents feel more confident and less anxious and to make it easier to take more action to better protect their children.

I was wondering if your members would be interested in getting free videos teaching them helpful strategies and practical tips on managing their children’s food allergies and avoiding allergic reactions? If so, I’d love to give you access to 5 free videos containing about 45 minutes of information-packed assistance.

I’m doing this to help celebrate the release of my Protect Your Child From Life-Threatening Allergies system, and to help parents everywhere do more to keep their children safe.

You can tell your members to go to... When they enter their email address into this page they'll get 5 FREE Safety Strategy Videos, about 8-10 minutes each, one per day for five days. There's absolutely zero obligation to buy anything.

It's truly about 45 minutes of FREE practical tips and helpful strategies that parents can apply when eating out, planning for back to school, even at extra-curricular activities, when reading ingredient labels, and more!

If after watching some of my videos, anyone from your group is interested in purchasing the Protect Your Child From Life-Threatening Food Allergies system, I'd love to give you an exciting Introductory Offer For Support Group Discount if you order as a group before August 31st. I am delighted to donate $15 from every purchase to FAAN for all that they have done for advancing food allergy awareness, research and legislation, and for helping my family when my daughter was first diagnosed, almost 14 years ago.

Again, I hope you and your whole group will benefit from the free helpful videos which are my gift to you, without anyone needing to buy anything! I sincerely hope that everyone will learn something to help keep their food-allergic child(ren) safe.

Thanks for your time.

Warm regards,
Jane Meagher

Creator, "Protect Your Child From Life-Threatening Food Allergies"
President, Food Allergy Success Strategies
Office: 732-761-8134x1
website for free video signup:
website for informaton on our system:
facebook: My Child Has A Food Allergy fan page